NostRi + nOstrich: Creative pages with Satosh Bears, #01

Kids - Young Teens | Free Printables from WHATABEAR YOU LOVE

Nostri-free printables for kids - part one_WHATABEAR YOU LOVE by AZA_21m aka. Selale Malkocoglu

Four pages to print at home; based on the book WHATABEAR YOU LOVE.

These might be especially interesting to families who are already interested in Nostr 🎨📝 Alongside coloring pages and simple logic games, they’ll not only provide fun but also help your little ones get familiar with the cool bird called nOstrich and his bear friend, NostRi.

  • Specs: Paper size A4 ; Scale Fit to page width ; Margins None.

"Waiting for a New Friend": These two pages can be used separately for coloring and decorating, or together to play a spot-the-difference game with kids, as they feature similar images with small differences.

preview: A4, free pritables, nOstrich Egg #01
preview: A4, free pritables, nOstrich Egg #02

"Notes and Other Stuff": This page is designed for coloring and creative thinking, as well as practicing writing skills.

preview: A4, free pritables, Your Notes

"NostRi and nOstrich: Let Them Meet": A simple maze to help the Satosh Bear called NostRi, find his best friend.

preview: A4, free pritables, Find the Way

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