ElLiS from El Salvador: Creative Pages to Print at Home, #01
Kids - Young Teens | Free Printables from WHATABEAR YOU LOVE

It's time to meet another Satosh ₿ear—here's ElLiS, a very cheerful girl who is always bursting with colors and good energy. You won’t get her full story just yet, but we have for you some fun pages to print at home. Get ready to play and to explore! We’ll be adding more pages soon, including the main story about ElLiS.
🐻🧡 In case you missed other Satosh Bears, check out the links below:
- Uuuu-LaLLa the Diamond Hands (a short story + creative pages)
- ZiGi and Bitcoin Pizza Day (a short story + creative pages)
- NostRi + nOstrich (creative pages)
- Specs: Paper size A4 ; Scale Fit to page width ; Margins None.
ElLiS the Satosh ₿ear: Free-printables from a children's book, WHATABEAR YOU LOVE.
✔ Finish the picture and color: have fun, develop visual skills and memory

✔ The Magic of Colors: learn three Spanish words and enjoy coloring

✔ Word Search: enjoy the game while discovering new things about ElLiS

✔ Family Time: have fun with coloring and decorating the page

🧡 If you like what we do and want to support our efforts, send us some sats. No amount is small: btcjuniorclub@lifpay.me ⚡